
Design Career Mentorship

Elevate to new heights as a budding designer or seasoned professional with Design Career Mentorship.

Whether you’re a designer starting out, looking to switch tracks, or striving to reach new heights in your current role. Our specialized Design Career Mentorship services will provide you with the guidance, resources, and opportunities you need for personal and professional growth.

From portfolio development and skill enhancement to networking and job placement, we’re committed to helping you transform your design career aspirations into reality. Helping designers at every stage of their journey brings us joy.

Book a Design Career Mentorship session to take the next step towards a successful and fulfilling design career with the wisdom and guidance of a Unicorn Designer with 20+ years of experience.

Ideal For

  • Creative Thinkers
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Designers (junior to mid-level)

Your Investment

  • Pay-as-you-go
  • Monday and/or Friday
  • Between 11am – 3pm EST

What to Expect

  • Have a 45 minute Discover Call for the 1st session for us to gain an understanding of your goals and challenges
  • Empathize to understand the vision
  • Help to identify, prioritize, and connect the dots to embark on your journey
  • Provide contextual examples to help empower and educate you
  • Recap your working session, address any questions that may remain and discuss next steps
  • Provide unlimited email support between sessions (based on availability)

Important Information

  • Quick and secure online payment via Stripe
  • Bring your list of questions so we can maximize our time together
  • Come prepared and ready to work
  • In-person meetings are limited between the Atlanta, GA metropolitan area and East Outer Perimeter
  • Non-prorated and non-refundable; however sessions can be rescheduled

Areas of Focus

Servant Leadership

Discover the art of Servant Leadership through our Design Career Mentorship. We believe that the path to true leadership lies in service to others.

Career Growth

Whether you’re a newcomer looking to break into the industry or a seasoned professional aiming to reach new heights, our mentorship services provides you with the tools and knowledge to excel in your career.

Portfolio and Resumé Review

Our seasoned design career mentors provide personalized guidance to help you craft a standout portfolio and a compelling resume that highlight your skills, experience, and creativity effectively.

Tech Recruiters and Professionals

Tap into valuable connections, gain invaluable advice, and unlock opportunities across various industries, ensuring you’re well-prepared for success in your chosen field.


What is design career mentorship, and how can it benefit me?

Design Career Mentorship is a personalized guidance program that pairs you with an experienced mentor in the field. It benefits you by providing insights, advice, and support to navigate your career, develop skills, make informed decisions, and network with tech recruiters and professionals.

How do I choose the right design mentor?

To select the right mentor, consider their experience, expertise, and compatibility with your goals. Look for mentors with a track record in transformation design and a mentoring style that resonates with you.

What qualifications and experience should I look for in a design career mentor?

Seek mentors with a solid background in transformation design, relevant industry experience, and a willingness to share their knowledge. Look for mentors with a proven track record of helping others succeed.

Can design career mentorship help me transition into the tech field?

Absolutely. Design career mentoring can provide guidance on how to leverage your existing skills and transition into the field, offering valuable insights and connections.

How often will I meet with my mentor, and what will these sessions involve?

Meeting frequency varies but typically ranges from bi-weekly to monthly. Sessions may involve goal setting, skill development, portfolio reviews, and career planning discussions.

What types of resources and tools are typically provided during design career mentorship?

Resources may include industry insights, design templates, recommended readings, and access to relevant networks. These tools aim to enhance your skills and knowledge.

Is there a specific duration for the mentorship program, or does it vary based on individual needs?

The duration varies based on your needs and goals. Some programs have a set timeframe, while others are open-ended to accommodate your progress.

How can design career mentorship help me build a strong portfolio and resume for my design career?

Mentors can provide guidance on portfolio creation and review your resume to ensure it aligns with industry standards and showcases your skills effectively.

Are there opportunities for networking and connecting with professionals in the tech field through mentoring?

Yes, mentoring often includes networking opportunities, introductions to industry contacts, and guidance on how to expand your professional network.

What are the success stories or outcomes that previous mentees have achieved through design career mentoring?

Success stories can include securing desired job positions, launching successful projects, expanding professional networks, and achieving personal growth and career satisfaction. Outcomes are often tailored to individual goals and aspirations.


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